Network Expansion Program and the Reduction of Electric Losses in Distribution
By: Jorge Mercado
Project's Leader
Inter-American Development Bank
Rehabilitation and Modernization of the Acaray Hydropower Plant
By: Roberto Aiello
Project's Leader
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Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited (KPLC)
By: Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited (KPLC)
National power transmission program
By: Carlos Jácome
Project's Leader
First program of renewable energy, transmission and distribution of electricity
By: Carlos Echevarría
Project's Leader
National Electric Distribution System Reinforcement Program
By: Carlos Echeverría
Project's Leader
Program to strengthen the national electricity distribution system
By: Carlos Echeverría
Project's Leader
New electricity distribution and transmission projects
By: Eletrobras
Modernization of the Salto Grande Binational Hydroelectric Complex
By: Roberto Aiello
Project's Leader