Legal Framework and Institutional Mechanisms
Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Ratification in 1982. Ratification of the Optional Protocol in 2007. Main reference document for equality between men and women. Through its ratification or accession to it the States are legally bound to adopt all necessary measures, including special temporary measures and laws, in order for women to fully enjoy all their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The signatory countries take responsibility for the implementation of the Platform for Action, in which 12 critical areas of concern for the advancement of women are defined.
Political Constitution (1991). All people are born free and equal before the law, they shall receive the same protection and treatment by the authorities and shall enjoy the same rights, freedoms and opportunities, facing no discrimination. The State is to promote conditions conducive to equality being real and effective and shall adopt measures on behalf of marginalized or discriminated against groups.
Office of the Presidential Adviser on Equality for Women (2014). Amongst its other functions, it provides guidance to the Presidency and National Government for the design of government policies aimed at promoting equity between women and men, and promotes the incorporation of gender perspective into national and local public entities' policy plans and programs.
Observatory for Gender Affairs (2014). It monitors the fulfillment of existing national and international regulations related to gender equity.