Legal Framework and Institutional Mechanisms
Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Ratification in 1990. Ratification of the Optional Protocol in 2000. Main reference document for equality between men and women. Through its ratification or accession to it the States are legally bound to adopt all necessary measures, including special temporary measures and laws, in order for women to fully enjoy all their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The signatory countries take responsibility for the implementation of the Platform for Action, in which 12 critical areas of concern for the advancement of women are defined.
Political Constitution (2009). Prohibits and penalizes all forms of discrimination aimed at overriding or undermining the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, under conditions of equality, of any person's rights. It establishes to be a State's duty to promote the inclusion of women into the labor force as well as guarantee equal pay for work of equal value.
Vice-ministry of Equal Opportunities. It develops, executes, directs, coordinates and supervises policies, regulations and plans aimed at promoting equality of opportunities for men and women, and persons with disabilities.
Gender Observatory (2010). It carries out and disseminates research and proposals related to the realities of inequality in which Bolivian women are immersed.
Equal opportunities
National Equal Opportunity Plan (2008) - "Women Building a New Bolivia for Good Living (el Buen Vivir)" (PNIO)[1].
It acknowledges equal opportunities regarding access to services, full participation in decision making, and economic, technological and heritage resources' equitable distribution in order to create proper conditions for a life free of gender-based violence. Its aim is to reduce socio-economic, political and cultural gender gaps, through the promotion of professional opportunities for women - also in jobs traditionally considered as "masculine".
Sector-based Plan for Productive Development with Decent Employment (2009). It promotes gender mainstreaming in planning and implementation of programs and projects.
[1] Spanish acronym for "Plan Nacional Para La Igualdad De Oportunidades"
Personal and labor conciliation
General Employment Act and reforms (1942). Paidmaternity leave, 45 days before and after giving birth. During the nursing period, women shall enjoy resting periods no shorter than one hour per day. Also, those companies employing more than 50 workers shall provide nursery facilities (known as salas cunas). Nopaternal leave is contemplated.
Decree for mothers and fathers' job security-tenure (2009). It establishes that mother and/or father shall enjoy immunity-by-pregnancy until the child turns one year old.
Violence due to gender
Comprehensive Act 348 for guaranteeing a violence-free life for women (2013). It outlines comprehensive mechanisms, measures and policies for prevention, care, protection of and redress to women experiencing situations of violence, as well as for the prosecution and punishment of perpetrators, in an aim to guarantee a dignified life for women along with the full exercise of their rights so they may live well (Vivir Bien). It incorporates femicide to the Criminal Code.