Legal Framework and Institutional Mechanisms
Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Ratification in 1982. Ratification of Optional Protocol in 2001. Main reference document for equality between men and women. Through its ratification or accession to it the States are legally bound to adopt all necessary measures, including special temporary measures and laws, in order for women to fully enjoy all their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The signatory countries take responsibility for the implementation of the Platform for Action, in which 12 critical areas of concern for the advancement of women are defined.
Political Constitution (1983) and 2002 reforms. It establishes the right to equality before the law and forbids any type of sex-based discrimination, with special emphasis on work opportunities.
Ministry for Women and Vulnerable Groups (2012). It designs, promotes, executes and supervises public policies in favor of women and vulnerable groups, in order to guarantee the exercise of their rights from a cross-sectoral perspective.
Equal opportunities
Act on Equality of Opportunity between Men and Women (2007). It establishes the institutional, public policy and regulatory framework at national, regional and local level, to guarantee men and women's exercise of their rights to equality, dignity, free development, well-being and autonomy, preventing discrimination in all areas, be it public or private life, thus advancing towards full equality.
National Plan for Gender Equality 2012-2017. It is the instrument for gender mainstreaming among the Peruvian State's public policies, ensuring equal and effective protection of human rights for men and women, non-discrimination and full development of individual and collective potential and abilities.
Labor Code (2006). It establishes equality of treatment and opportunity before the law and forbids direct or indirect sex-based discrimination.
National Employment Plan (2012). Promotes equality of opportunity and treatment and non-discrimination in the labor market, ensuring women's full exercise of their economic rights.
Care Economy
Act 29.700 (2011). It includes a satellite account – within national accounts – of non-paid work, with special emphasis on non-paid domestic work, through the application of time-use surveys.
Personal and labor conciliation
Act 26.644 (1996). It establishes female workers' right tomaternity leave 45 days prior to and 45 days after birth.
Act 29.409 (2009). Paidpaternity leave consisting of 4 consecutive paid working days.
Act 29896 (2012). It establishes the obligation of installing specially allocated facilities (lactarium) for extracting breast milk and store it, both in the public and private sector (whenever there exist 20 or more women of childbearing age).
Violence due to gender
Act 30364 (2015). Its goal is to prevent, eradicate and sanction all forms of violence produced, in the public or private sector, against women for their being women.
Act No. 30.314 (2015). Its goal is to prevent and sanction sexual harassment when occurred in public spaces, thus affecting people's rights; especially women's rights.