Legal Framework and Institutional Mechanisms
Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Ratification in 1986. Ratification of the Optional Protocol in 2001. Main reference document for equality between men and women. Through its ratification or accession to it the States are legally bound to adopt all necessary measures, including special temporary measures and laws, in order for women to fully enjoy all their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The signatory countries take responsibility for the implementation of the Platform for Action, in which 12 critical areas of concern for the advancement of women are defined.
Political Constitution (1999 reform). It establishes that all people are equal before the law and no discrimination contrary to human dignity may be practiced.
National Women's Institute (1998). It promotes and protects women's human rights. It also coordinates and supervises the National Policy for Gender Equality and Equity.
Equal opportunities
National Development Plan (2014). It aims to achieve gender equality and equal citizenship, as well as women's ability to generate their own income and control resources.
National Policy for Gender Equality and Equity 2007-2017. It promotes affirmative actions towards horizontal and vertical desegregation, such as: establishment of minimum hiring percentage of women for leadership positions, and women's training in highly segregated academic areas (science and technology careers).
Labor Code (1944). It establishes that wage rate for each type of work is fixed based on quantity and quality of said work and no distinctions may be made on the grounds of sex.
National Strategy for Employment and Production (2014). Its goal is to increase opportunities for men and women to access dignified and productive employment.
Act for the Care of Women Living in Poverty (1998). It establishes special attention for women living in poverty, through: capacity building, vocational training, job placement and productive insertion, and a financial incentive linked to the training processes.
Personal and labor conciliation
Act 7.621 reforms the Labour Code (1996). Paid and mandatorymaternity leave during the month prior to giving birth and the three subsequent months. A female worker adopting a minor shall enjoy the same rights as well as a three month leave. Nopaternity leave.
Act for the Promotion of Women's Social Equality (1990). It establishes that active working parents shall be entitled to children centers' support services. Parents of scarce financial means shall enjoy, additionally, the right to receive subsidy from the State. Article 94 prohibits employers from firing pregnant and nursing women.
Violence due to gender
Law 8.929 (2011). Reform of the Act Criminalizing Violence against Women.
Law 8.925 (2011). Reform of the Act against Domestic Violence.
Law 8.805 (2010). Reform of the Act against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and in Teaching.