Legal Framework and Institutional Mechanisms
Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Accession in 1993. Main reference document for equality between men and women. Through its ratification or accession to it the States are legally bound to adopt all necessary measures, including special temporary measures and laws, in order for women to fully enjoy all their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The signatory countries take responsibility for the implementation of the Platform for Action, in which 12 critical areas of concern for the advancement of women are defined.
Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas (1973). Every person in The Bahamas is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, has the right, whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex.
Bureau of Women's Affairs. Responsible for promoting gender equality at institutional level.
Equal opportunities
Act No. 27 Employment (2001). No employer or person acting on behalf of an employer shall discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, creed, sex, marital status, political opinion, age or HIV/Aids.
Personal and labor conciliation
Act No. 27 Employment (2001). Except where an employee otherwise desires,maternity leave shall be for a period of not less than twelve weeks and shall be so arranged that the employee is allowed- (a) such period, not less than one week, as she desires before the expected date of confinement; and (b) a period of not less than eight weeks from the date of confinement. An employee who has been employed for at least six months is entitled to family leave (paternity leave) without pay for a period not exceeding one week per annum following - (a) the birth of a child; or (b) the death or illness of a child, spouse or parent.
General orders. Chapter 15 (2006). Maternity leave for officers. TheMaternity Leave eligibility of all female officers will be eight (8) weeks. Vacation leave may be added to maternity leave but not so that the total period away from work would exceed sixteen (16) weeks.
Violence due to gender
Chapter 99, Sexual offences and domestic violence (2008). An Act to amend the law relating to sexual offences and to make provision in respect of related circumstances involving parties to a marriage.