Comprehensive Water Management Program in Urban Areas
  • Project's Code:
  • Project's Leader:
    Cristina Mecerreyes

Gender Equity Program in one EPSA as a pilot that could be replicated in other EPSAs. The program contains a gender strategy internally and externally and will work on the following actions in the short, medium and long term: promote the increase of women in decision-making, technical and operational positions; formal and informal training; remove access barriers for men and women for processing, reporting and resolving conflicts of sexual and labor harassment; adaptation of infrastructure and work tools that allow, for example, the installation of men's and women's restrooms, nursing rooms, field uniforms for women; gender awareness for staff; and internal and external communication campaign that disseminates the Gender Strategy and allows valuing the participation of women in the company. Similarly, within the Gender Equity Program, a Technical Training Program will be created for women in the areas of plumbing, sewerage and electricity. This initiative will seek to generate alliances with technical institutes for the design and execution of the technical women's initiative, granting a technical certification recognized by the competent institutions.

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