Gender assessment
Analyze existing information (secondary sources) or apply surveys to a representative sample, in order to: - identify beneficiaries, including data about # of households, head of household's sex, household members and socio-economic status; - review status of the water supply service, identifying needs, use priorities and related activities (domestic use, paid and unpaid jobs) differentiated for women, men, boys and girls: i) Are there irregular settlements that it is envisioned will be provided with water supply (female/male-headed households)? ii) Are there households more affected than others by low levels of continuity of service and/or technical losses (female/male-headed households)? Iii) Are there obstacles/barriers for women/men to access water supply services? e.g., degree of affordability of service, property rights over housing for household supply, and access to technology (mobile phone) in order to pay for the service or contact customer support services. - review representation and labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, etc.), disaggregating by sex.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
Statistics and baselines resulting from the assessment
- # of beneficiaries, disaggregated by sex (male/female-headed households)
- # of people participating in consultations (joint or separate consultations), disaggregated by sex
- Differentiated demands for women and men, with regard to water service (domestic use, paid and unpaid jobs, affordability, etc.)
- Femininity index of poverty
- Paid/Non-paid working hours, by sex (hour/person/month)
- Prevalence % of water-borne diseases and/or diseases caused by poor sanitary conditions, by sex and age group
- Do married/non-married men and married/non-married women hold equal property rights?
- % of people using mobile phone to pay for services supply, disaggregated by sex
- Labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, etc.), disaggregated by sex