Provision of flexible payment terms, and technology for payment and customer service
• Include flexible payment terms, such as per-use charge, appropriate tariffs and targeted subsidies for more vulnerable population (e.g., female-headed households). For instance, define, for the water utility company, a supply social policy aimed at more vulnerable households. • Provide the water utility company with payment services and customer service systems (feedback about quality of service) accessible through technology reachable by all, e.g., mobile phone.
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Cost included in the project
• P. Payment systems and customer service designed according to women's and men's differentiated needs
• P. Flexible payment terms designed to ensure access to the service for female-headed households
• P. # of households benefited from flexible payment terms, disaggregating by male/female-headed households
• R. # of households with new or improved access to drinking water, disaggregating by male/female-headed households (CRF)
• R. % of people making use of mobile phones to pay for services, disaggregated by sex
• R. # of user complaints addressed and solved by the regulator, disaggregating by sex (complaints/year)
Increase number of households with water supply, especially the most vulnerable ones, responding to their specific needs (e.g., female-headed households).