• Include professional training for "non-traditional" jobs for women/men, such as infrastructure construction (any sector in which women/men account for 25% or less of total personnel), and in project supervision roles. • Include training for the local community's women and men, for jobs related with the extractive industry, in the project's initial phase as well as the operative phase, e.g., supervision roles. Consider establishing a female quota or designing training focused on women. Include dissemination campaigns that foster women's and men's participation. Link training to job-promotion national programs, e.g., job centers.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US $ 10,000 – US $ 100,000
• P. # of designed campaigns that promote women's/men´s participation in training opportunities.
• P. # of designed courses – focused on women/men – addressing jobs related to the extractive industry
• P. # of women and men trained for jobs related to the extractive industry or as supervisors
• R. # of women/men trained and hired in the extractive industry
• R. # of on-the-job training beneficiaries, disaggregated by sex (CRF).
• R. # of women beneficiaries of economic empowerment initiatives (CRF)
Ensure job opportunities in the sector for women and men, increasing women’s participation.