Support to small businesses / cooperatives, along the value chain
• Provide formalization/registry for businesses/cooperatives offering goods and services to the extractive industry. • Provide training on revenue management, checking account management, etc., for businesses/cooperatives offering goods and services to the extractive industry. • Provide the definition of gender strategy/policy to suppliers/service providers, so that they may offer equal job opportunities to women and men. Consider defining quotas for businesses/cooperatives led by women/men.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US$ 10,000 - US$ 100,000
• P. # of registered/formalized businesses, led by women/men
• P. # of courses designed for women/men who lead businesses offering goods and services to the extractive industry
• P. # of gender-sensitive strategies/policies for businesses offering goods and services to the extractive industry
• R. # of women beneficiaries of economic empowerment initiatives (CRF)
Increase job opportunities for the local community, ensuring equal opportunities for women and men.