Include awareness campaigns targeted at contractors and workers, about: - current legislation on gender equality and work conditions (equal pay for equal work, no discrimination when hiring, etc.): - life-work reconciliation policies, promoting gender-sensitive corporate policies (paid sick leave, flexible hours, maternity or paternity leave, etc.); - laws on violence against women and measures which address this issue in the workplace.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US$ 10,000 - US$ 40,000
• P. # of campaigns designed for contractors and workers
• P. # of campaign participants, disaggregated by sex
• R. # of produced gender-sensitive corporate policies
• R. # of measures designed for detecting and addressing cases of harassment and violence in the workplace
• R. # of employees using life-work reconciliation mechanisms, disaggregated by sex
Ensure sustainability of access to job opportunities for women and men in the sector.