Gender assessment
Analyze existing information (secondary sources) or apply surveys to a representative sample, in order to: - identify beneficiaries and context, including data about: i) # of households, head of household's sex, household members, socio-economic status; - review sanitation's status identifying differentiated needs for women, men, boys and girls: i) Are there obstacles/barriers to access sanitation services? e.g., property rights over housing for household supply. - review existence of establishments such as health care clinics, schools, community centers and markets that may benefit from sanitation service (if applicable); - review representation and labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, etc.), disaggregating by sex.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
Statistics and baselines resulting from the assessment
- # of beneficiaries, disaggregated by sex (male/female-headed households)
- # of people participating in consultations (joint or separate consultations), disaggregated by sex
- Differentiated demands/needs of women and men, girls and boys, with regard to the sanitation service (facilities' space and height, safety, sanitation in health care clinics, schools, etc.)
- Femininity index of poverty
- Prevalence % of diseases caused by poor sanitary conditions, by sex and age group
- Paid/Non-paid working hours, by sex (hour/person/month)
- Do married/non-married men and married/non-married women hold equal property rights?
- Harassment/violence rate, by sex and age group
- Harassment/violence rate at school age, by sex
- Labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, etc.), disaggregated by sex