Include training: • for women/men in "non-traditional" jobs, such as infrastructure construction (any sector within which women/men make up to 25% or less of total personnel), e.g., training on plumbing, masonry, etc. • for women and men, in work supervision jobs. Consider establishing a women's quota. Include dissemination campaigns that encourage participation of women and men. Link training to job-promotion national programs, e.g., job centers.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US $ 10,000 - US $ 50,000
• P. # of campaigns designed to foster participation of women and men in training courses
• P. # of designed courses aimed at women/men
• P. # of women/men trained in plumbing, masonry, etc. or as supervisors
• R. # of women/men trained and hired
• R. # of women beneficiaries of economic empowerment initiatives (CRF)
Broaden job opportunities within the sector, for women/men.