Gender Assessment
Analyze existing information (secondary sources) or carry out targeted surveys, in order to: -identify the beneficiaries, in detail: i) users, on rural roads, of private (bicycles, cars, etc.) and public (buses) transportation, including pedestrians, disaggregating data by sex; ii) mobility and rural roads use patters, differentiated for men and women, (e.g., activities such as escort kids to school/health care clinic, economic activities such as head to agricultural job-site or access the market, etc.); iii) user safety (road safety, harassment and violence in public spaces). - review connectivity of health care clinics, schools, community, centers, markets, etc. - review representation and labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, contractors, road maintenance micro-enterprises, etc.), disaggregating by sex.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
Statistics and baselines resulting from the assessment
- # of users, disaggregated by sex (if applicable)
- # of people participating in consultations (joint or separate consultations)
- Differentiated demands for women and men, girls and boys, with regard to the service (access to social services, markets, schools, etc.)
- Mobility patterns, by sex and age
- Use and road safety, and harassment and violence in public spaces perception
- Travel time spent, by sex and age
- Rate of women/men enrolled in STEM educational programs
- Accident/victim rates and causes, disaggregated by sex
- Labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, etc.), disaggregated by sex