• Include training on integration of gender perspective into roads/connectivity projects, e.g.: - sex-differentiated data collection, within the sector, such as for construction or road maintenance businesses - gender perspective in project cycle, etc. • Include participation of trained personnel in intervention management and follow-up committees/teams.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US $5,000 - US$ 20,000
• P. # of designed training courses on integration of gender perspective into roads/connectivity projects
• P. # of employees trained on integration of gender perspective into roads/connectivity programs, disaggregated by sex
• R. # of beneficiaries of on-the-job training, disaggregated by sex (CRF)
• R. # of trained people who participate in intervention follow-up committees, disaggregated by sex
Ensure that the sector’s projects respond to sex-differentiated demands, having an effect on the increase of number of female and male users and on service quality.