Provision of transportation service
Include technical solutions in the construction work, some relevant issues being: - street lighting; - bicycle parking lots (e.g., bus stations, trains, etc.); - safe and accessible sidewalks and crosswalks (e.g., baby carriages' ramps); - adequate access to stations and means of transport (gap between platform and bus in BRT systems, handrails, elevators on buses and at stations, ramps, etc.); - separate toilets for women and men, at stations; - childcare services, waiting halls and adequate spaces at stations in order to care for children's needs, fostering co-responsibility between women and men (e.g., bathrooms with facilities for children, which also allow access to fathers and mothers); - safety measures at stations and aboard means of transport (e.g., alarm button for detecting cases of harassment/violence); - reserved seating on buses, for pregnant women.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
Cost included in the work’s activities
• P. # of infrastructure technical designs developed and validated by men and women (e.g., gap between platform and bus in BRT systems)
• P. # of services and solutions (separate toilets, reserved seating, childcare services, etc.) catering to women’s and men’s needs
• R. Reduction of transportation time, saved by sex, age (hours/person/month)
• R. # of transportation service users, disaggregated by sex
• R. Increase in the degree of user satisfaction regarding use of and safety on transportation/in urban and public spaces, by sex
• R. Reduction of harassment/violence rate aboard transportation/at transportation platforms, by sex
Improve access to and quality of service, having an effect on the increase of number of female and male users and making the project feasible and sustainable.