Provision of measures to facilitate access to services
Include transportation-service use conditions/solutions, and technology, such as: - differentiated tariffs, which respond to women's and men's traveling patterns (e.g., short and frequent trips and long and occasional trips); - payment service reachable through universal-access technology (internet, mobile phone, etc.); - customer service systems reachable through universal-access technology (internet, mobile phone, etc.).
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Cost included in the project’s activities
• P. # of payment and client support systems designed according to women’s and men’s differentiated needs
• P. # of designed tariffs suited for women’s and men’s needs (responding to short/frequent or long/occasional traveling patterns)
• R. % of users making use of transportation service payment systems (internet, mobile phone, etc.), disaggregated by sex
• R. # of user complaints addressed and solved, disaggregating by sex (complaints/year)
Improve access to, quality and availability of the service, responding to the different demands of women and men, increasing the number of users and making the project feasible and sustainable.