• Include public awareness campaigns about road safety, promoting safe attitudes and practices of male and female infrastructure users. In some cases, the accident rate is higher for men than for women since usually men use more private cars, they travel for longer distances and are more likely to adopt risky behaviors. In this case, campaigns on road safety should adopt different approaches for men and women. Include public campaigns in schools.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US$ 30,000 - US$ 100,000
• P. # of designed campaigns about road safety, targeted at men and women
• R. Increase in the degree of user satisfaction regarding use of and safety aboard transportation/in urban and public spaces, by sex
• R. Reduction of traffic-accident/victim rates and causes, disaggregated by sex
Increase safety for users, promoting safe behaviors of women and men, and reducing the number of traffic victims/accidents.