Include campaigns, aimed at the users, about the offered services' availability and conditions, e.g.: - availability of differentiated tariffs, according to different needs; - availability of childcare facilities at stations, etc. - information about customer support and payment systems which use universal-access technology, e.g., mobile phone for service payment or service quality rating. Carry out campaigns through different means, in order to reach potential female and male users.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US$ 30,000 - US$ 100,000
• P. # of designed campaigns about access to and use of transportation service, taking into account sex-differentiated needs
• R. % of users making use of transportation service payment systems (internet, mobile phone, etc.), disaggregated by sex
• R. # of user complaints addressed and solved, disaggregating by sex (complaints/year)
• R. # of service users, disaggregated by sex
• R. Increase in the degree of user satisfaction regarding use of and safety aboard transportation/in urban and public spaces, by sex
Achieve effective use of service for female and male users, having an effect on the increase of number of users and their degree of satisfaction with regard to the service.