Gender Assessment
Analyze existing information (secondary sources) or carry out targeted surveys, in order to: - identify the beneficiaries, in detail: i) # of urban and/or public transportation users, as well as pedestrians, cyclists, etc., disaggregating data by sex; ii) sex-differentiated mobility patterns (reason for the trip, number of trips, distance, schedules, type of transportation, etc.); iii) differentiated demands of female and male users of urban and/or public transportation (safe and accessible sidewalks, separate toilets, children's care and service halls, etc.); iv) priorities as well as obstacles to access the service (affordability, use of technology for payment, etc.); v) user safety, especially for women (risks of harassment and violence aboard urban transportation). - review connectivity of health care clinics, schools, community, centers, markets, etc. - review representation and labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, contractors, etc.), disaggregating by sex.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
Statistics and baselines resulting from the assessment
- # of users, disaggregated by sex
- # of people participating in the consultations, disaggregated by sex (joint or separate consultations)
- Differentiated demands of women and men, with regard to the transportation service (safety, affordability, access to health care clinics, schools, community, centers, markets, etc.)
- Traveling patterns, by sex
- Use and transportation/urban spaces safety perception, disaggregated by sex
- Harassment/violence rate aboard transportation/at transportation platforms, by sex
- Travel time spent, disaggregated by sex and age (hours/person/month)
- % of users making use of transportation service payment systems, through technologies such as mobile phones, and internet, disaggregating by sex
- Traffic-accident/victim rates and causes, disaggregated by sex
- Rate of women/men enrolled in STEM educational programs
- Labor force within the sector, sex-disaggregated data