Include training for women and men who start businesses from productive use of electricity/renewable energy's, in or outside of connected markets, e.g., food processing and sale, small business management, courses on financial education, etc. Consider establishing women's quotas and make sure to include men and women in training courses for diverse economic activities.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US $ 10,000 – US $ 50,000
• P. # of designed campaigns about electricity/renewable energy productive uses, with gender perspective (including women and men’s needs and promoting equal opportunities)
• P. # of designed courses about electricity/renewable energy productive uses, with gender perspective
• P. # of women/men trained on electricity/renewable energy productive uses
• R. # of women/men undertaking businesses with electricity/energy productive use as starting point
• R. # of women beneficiaries of economic empowerment initiatives (CRF)
Provide equal opportunities for female and male end-users, for the undertaking of diverse economic activities related to energy’s productive use.