Sustainable Energy Facility (SEF) for the Eastern Caribbean EXPANDED - (SEF EXPANDED)
  • Project's Code:
  • Project's Leader:
    Malaika Masson

Gender objective of empowering women economically by facilitating access to economic opportunities and promoting women’s entrepreneurship. The Results Matrix includes the corresponding gender indicators: The project will promote gender equality in hiring. The companies will be encouraged to adopt practices such as hiring under equal conditions, review of hiring requirements to detect criteria that potentially exclude women, and the possibility of setting targets related to women participation. Besides, the project will promote the inclusion of local women in training activities for the construction, operation and maintenance work that does not require specific qualifications.
- Poor women head of households work in the informal sector, when possible the project will support a shift from the informal to the formal sector for women’s businesses that provide services such as cleaning, food services, textile production for uniforms, etc. to the geothermal facility.
- To secure the working environment of women employed in the plant there will be exclusive bathroom for women, and appropriate uniforms for females. The companies will promote an environment free form sexual harassment in which this type of attitude and behavior is prevented, and where conflict reporting and resolution are facilitated.

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