Institutionalization of Gender Mainstreaming in Local Government in Bangladesh

The Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) of Bangladesh is responsible for providing and maintaining transport infrastructure and other rural development infrastructure services. Because of the social disadvantages experienced by women in Bangladesh’s gender-segregated rural society, LGED has received support from the Asian Development Bank and other donors to institutionalize gender responsiveness by recruitment of women community mobilization workers, social scientists, gender specialists, and women engineers to mainstream social and gender issues in projects. It has its own gender strategy and action plan, and has provided ongoing training for all staff in gender and participatory process and gender-sensitive monitoring, as well as training for contractors and leaders of local government institutions on gender issues.

LGED has a Gender Forum for advocacy, training, and monitoring, and it works in partnership with nongovernment and microfinance institutions for social mobilization, group formation, and microfinance services.

Institutionalized gender mainstreaming in LGED promotes:

- The physical design of the gender-sensitive infrastructure.

- Gender and social analysis in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of projects.

- Community consultations that include women from the local community and women leaders.

- The opportunities for women to access labor markets.

- Measures for equal pay, participation and access to decision making for women.

- The allocation of quotas for women in construction and infrastructure maintenance work.

- Support for women's organizations (e.g. of merchants, for savings, etc.), contractors and microenterprises for maintenance headed by women.
