Analyze, within a national level context: - access to, availability and affordability of energy services, taking into account energy sources and their uses differentiated by sex and socio-economic status: i) Are there energy uses (domestic/productive) which benefit more from energy policies? ii) Which industrial sector get more support? What kind of businesses benefit the most? (disaggregate by industrial sector type and female/male led businesses). - female/male representation in national institutions (counterpart) and existence of gender units/specialists.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US $ 0 - US $ 30,000
Statistics and baselines resulting from the assessment
- Type of energy sources used and energy uses, differentiated by women and men
- Level of access to, availability and affordability of energy service for the more vulnerable households
- Feminity index of poverty
- Uses (domestic vs. productive), industrial sectors (tourism, commercial, etc.) and businesses led by women/men benefited the most from energy policies
- Women/men representation in institutions and job positions