• Define goals/principles that may be included in sectorial policies to make them gender-sensitive, e.g.: - criteria for prioritizing of funds for rural electrification projects with gender components; - inclusion of specific goals to improve energy service for residential use and the most vulnerable households; - components that foster female enrollment in careers linked to the sector and/or job opportunities for women, within the sector. • Set up MoU/alliances between institutions counterpart and recognized national institutions such as women's institutes, for the design of gender-sensitive energy policies.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
US $ 10,000 - US $ 50,000
• P. # of designed gender-sensitive goal/principles proposals
• P. # gender-sensitive goals/principles included in energy policies
• P. # of gatherings between counterpart and recognized national institutions, such as women's institutes
• P. # of MoU between institutions for the design of gender-sensitive energy policies
- Ensure that the sector's projects respond to women's and men's needs, with an effect on the increase of number of users. - Broaden job opportunities for women, within the sector.