Provision of flexible payment terms, and technology for payment and customer service
• Include flexible payment terms, both for service connection and supply, e.g.: - on-credit connection; - per-connection charge; - appropriate rates; - targeted subsidies for more vulnerable population, e.g., female-headed households. • Include payment options and customer service systems (feedback on service quality) accessible to all through means such as a mobile phone.
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Cost included in the project
• P. # loans available for connection/flexible payment rates in order to ensure access to service for female/male headed households
• P. # of payment and customer service systems designed according to men's and women's differentiated needs
• P. # of households benefited from flexible payment terms, disaggregating by male/female-headed households
• P/R. # of households with new or improved access to electric supply, disaggregating by male/female-headed households (CRF)
• R. % of end-users who make use of mobile phones to pay for supply of electricity services, disaggregated by sex
• R. # of end-user complaints addressed and solved by the regulator, disaggregated by sex (complaints/year)
- Improve access to, quality and availability of service, especially for households with the least resources (e.g., female-headed households) and irregular connection. - Reduce commercial losses for the distribution company.