Provision of flexible payment terms, and technology for payment and customer service
Include flexible payment terms for more vulnerable households, for connection to and supply of sanitation services. For instance, include appropriate tariffs and targeted subsidies for more vulnerable households, e.g., female-headed households.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
Cost included in the project
• P. Flexible payment terms designed to ensure access to the service for female-headed households
• P. # of households benefited from flexible payment terms, disaggregating by male/female-headed households
• R. # of households with new or improved access to sanitation, disaggregating by male/female-headed households (CRF)
• R. # of households with wastewater treatment, disaggregating by male/female-headed households (CRF)
• R. # of households with new, adequate individual sanitation solution
• R. Reduction of diseases caused by poor sanitary conditions, by sex and age group
Increase number of households with access to sanitation, especially the most vulnerable ones, responding to their specific needs (e.g., female-headed households).