Gender Assessment
Analyze existing information (secondary sources) or carry out targeted surveys, in order to: - identify the beneficiaries, in detail, # of households, head-of-household's sex, household members, socio-economic status; - review impact of low electricity service quality (interruptions, power outages) and of technical losses in households and businesses, in detail: i) impact on household activities realized by women and men; ii) impact on diverse industrial sectors and businesses led by women/men; - relevance of irregular connections (# of households, head-of-household's sex, household members, socio-economic status); - review impact of possible fee increases due to service rehabilitation and improvement, for: i) more vulnerable households (it is possible that female-headed households have less resources); ii) diverse industrial sectors within which businesses led by men/women operate (tourism, construction, etc.); - review representation and labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, etc.), disaggregating by sex.
There are no projects asociated to the current activity.
Statistics and baselines resulting from the assessment:
- Beneficiaries, disaggregated by sex (male/female-headed households and socio-economic status, businesses led by men/women)
- Femininity index of poverty
- Differentiated demands for women and men regarding service to be provided
- Paid/Non-paid working hours, by sex (hour/person/month)
- Impact of technical losses on male/female-headed households, an analysis of most affected sectors and businesses
- Degree of affordability of improved service for more vulnerable households and businesses led by women/men
- # of female/male-headed households with irregular connection
- Labor force within the sector (institutions, businesses, etc.), disaggregated by sex